Saturday, August 06, 2005

Looking for the "Real" Mexico, Volume 2

Click here to see the video

While we were in Mexico City we went to a few markets. Tenochtitlan was the biggest market in the new world before the Spaniards conquered it and created Mexico City. It is still a huge marketplace. There are illegal street vendors everywhere and then more legal markets like the one in this video which starts directly behind the Palacio National and goes on for blocks. We also went to Tepito, famous for cheap goods, knockoffs, stolen merchandise, pickpockets and the occasional mugging. We spent a few hours there and had no problems with pickpockets or muggings. What I say in the video is mostly true: Mexicans come to Mexico City to shop, whether at the high end toney stores like Liverpool or at Tepito. If you can't get it here, you can't get it in Mexico.

Video iPod friendly file.


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